Sunday, September 04, 2005

Vs. Psychosis

So, I haven't been posting lately, because I've been through some really rough times lately- things that have really rested me emotionally and psychologically. I failed the test. In the last couple weeks, I've withdrawn further into my anti-social behavior, only really talking to people online or when I have to, and getting into very pointless fights with most of my friends. It's good times. I think things are settling down now, though, and I'm considering seeing a shrink, but I really don't think that will do me much good, because I really hate talking about my problems- it just makes me worse. I even avoid talking directly about things on my mostly unknown blog. What an emotard.
Oh, I did do one good dead and bought a T shirt for a good cause:
Fight the Flood... Halo... Get it? heh. I hate watching the news and seeing more of the brutal part of human nature. 9/11 pulled people together for a short time, but when things happen now, it feels like it only pulls people further apart. That, or I'm looking at things very negatively. Probably a little of both.
I hope I get off my ass and use this angst to do something creative soon. Also, I'm applying for the DGA training program again this year. Maybe I won't blow it this time.

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